I want to join GM team
Who are we?
We are a private Czech-English primary and secondary school based in Prague 6. The school was founded 6 years ago. But there are many more than 6 of us and we are happy to welcome new colleagues to our team anytime.
Our teachers say that we are non-school that is looking for non-teachers. We are proud on our people who are educated, knowledgeable about the world and original. We surround ourselves with people of intelligence, talent, joy of life and overlap on multiple levels. People who know what they want and are passionate about helping our children to find their path.
Working with us makes a lot of sense and you will always have a lot of space to use something of yourself. Motivate, support and lead by example.
Our teachers have already some experience and they really value their work here and opportunities with us, and we value them. Are you excited to join us?
What do we offer?
- We can adapt the terms of cooperation to your needs and yours and our satisfaction, and of course the children’s and parents’ satisfaction.
- Our classroom teacher earns an average of 45-50,000 CZK net per month.
- You can use a company car, a laptop, or have a place in our bilingual kindergarten for your own child.
- We always have good coffee, tea and excellent chocolate available for you. 😊
- We aim to work with our people so that they are happy, know that they are important to us and the children, and progress both personally and professionally. We will support you in personal development, work on yourself, in the areas of communication, respectful approach, bilingual education, or leadership. We encourage our teachers to attend study visits abroad. You are welcome to suggest in which area you want to grow. We will be happy to help.
Now for some organization…
- We teach from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. In our school, the classroom teacher is in the classroom 3 days a week and has 2 days to prepare for the lessons. A tandem teacher supports the children on a daily basis.
- There is no bell ringing in our school. We work within integrated blocks, moving from activity to activity and subject to subject. The subjects are interconnected. You have time and capacity for important things. Whether it is the completion of ideas and projects, or the completion of logical units.
- The classroom teacher always forms a mini-team with the tandem teacher. At the same time he collaborates and communicates closely with the native English speaker who is teaching on days when the teacher is not teaching. Therefore, open cooperation and also a good knowledge of English are essential.
- We use self-assessment and verbal assessment of children.
- You can leave all the organization to us. You don’t have to explain, justify or convince someone about your work. You have our constant support in communicating with parents.
… and our tools
- In the online times, we managed teaching through MS Teams, and we continue to work with this tool for both present and hybrid teaching.
- We use EduPage as the school system for communication with families and reporting.
- We also run various educational programs for children on school iPads. Of course, in moderation. After all, we prefer to be here and now.
We may be looking for you if:
- You have passion and conviction.
- You have a really positive relationship with children and want to give them the best.
- You have energy and you don’t stop at the first obstacle.
- You are capable, talented and resilient.
- You have a renaissance personality and learning is the meaning of your life.
- You are an inspiration and motivation for others to be better. It’s not just about teaching. We are looking for diamonds. Even the unprocessed ones.
- You have an overlap and bring enthusiasm.
- You are persevering and want to stay with us for a longer period of time. We prefer marathoners to sprinters.
- You are open and direct communication is the right way for you.
And now what?
Get in touch with us. Anytime, even during the school year.
Send your CV to bestteachers@global-minded.cz and if we like it, we will be happy to hear more from you.
You will join us for one or two trial days, after which we will decide together whether you would be comfortable in the class and in our arrangement. We will discuss whether you enjoyed it and give you feedback from colleagues and children.
Hiring process also includes a psychological test. You will receive personal feedback, regardless of whether we continue together or not. It is important for us to know why and how you make decisions. The interaction is transparent and we are always very open.
We offer premium and fair conditions that are not available anywhere else on the market. But we also want and expect things that no one else on the market does.
Every teacher is truly evaluated, on multiple levels. We want education to look different. We set the trends, you can too.
Be a part of our school.
Be part of our success.
Be part of the amazing Global Minded.