
Our graduates

Our graduates are exceptional. We already know most of the children from our Tetty preschool, we carefully monitor their development and, together with you, we constantly support them in their growth. From Global Minded Primary children continue their journey to some of the best eight-year gymnasiums. From 2022 children also have an option to continue to our Global Minded Secondary!

The most popular gymnasiums where our graduates are admitted:

🔅 Gymnázium Evolution

🔅 Nový PORG

🔅 PORG Libeň

🔅 Duhovka

🔅 Gymnázium Nad Alejí

🔅 MENSA gymnázium

🔅 Gymnázium Mezinárodních a Veřejných Vztahů

Some children from Global Minded join prestigious international schools abroad, some of them continue to the best schools in the Czech Republic. Many families welcome the decision to open our own secondary school and continue with us.

We advise children and parents individually when choosing their next direction and together we look for the best possible path for education. We do this while taking into account their strengths, talents, preferences and capabilities. We follow every graduate and love to meet them. We can tell you story about each of them and we are proud of each of them.

Alumni Gallery

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