Important times and organization of lessons
The school is open on weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Teaching times vary slightly for each class (due to limited parking in front of the school and locker room logistics):
Teaching time | Class/degree |
8:20 – 15:00 | Second degree |
8:20 – 14:40 | 4th and 5th class |
8:30 – 14:30 | 2nd a 3rd class |
8:45 – 14:20 | 1st class |
The beginning of the class means that the child is ready in the classroom, welcomed by his/her friends and can start participating in the program. Classes at the school are held in blocks at approximately the following times:
From – To | Retrieved from |
7:30 – 8:40 | Morning companionship |
8:30 – 10:00 | 1. teaching block |
10:00 – 10:30 | Snack |
10:30 – 12:00 | 2nd teaching block |
12:00 – 13:00 | Lunch and relaxation |
13:00 – 14:30 | 3rd teaching block |
All first grade classes have the same proportion of Czech and English programme during the week, i.e. 3 days of Czech programme and 2 days of English programme. We maintain the principle of full days in a given language, which is a tool and a very important condition of the so-called language purity when teaching in more than one language.
Global Minded has permission to teach selected subjects in English. This is the highest form of formal accreditation for teaching subjects in a foreign language that a school can obtain in the Czech Republic.
For information about language teaching at Key Stage 2, please see the Key Stage 2 page directly.
8:20 – 15:00
Second degree |
8:20 – 14:40
4th and 5th class |
8:30 – 14:30
2nd and 3rd class |
8:45 – 14:20
1st class |
7:30 – 8:40 Morning companionship |
8:30 – 10:00 1. teaching block |
10:00 – 10:30 Snack |
10:30 – 12:00 2nd teaching block |
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch and relaxation |
13:00 – 14:30 3rd teaching block |
14:30 – 17:00 Afternoon social |
All first grade classes have the same proportion of Czech and English programme during the week, i.e. 3 days of Czech programme and 2 days of English programme. We maintain the principle of full days in a given language, which is a tool and a very important condition of the so-called language purity when teaching in more than one language.
Global Minded has permission to teach selected subjects in English. This is the highest form of formal accreditation for teaching subjects in a foreign language that a school can obtain in the Czech Republic.
For information about language teaching at Key Stage 2, please see the Key Stage 2 page directly.
Quality food for your children!
Catering in Global Minded
At Global Minded and Tetty Nursery we not only have lunches for the children, but also morning and afternoon snacks. So kids just need to bring a water bottle and we'll take care of the rest. We get our lunches and snacks from a supplier who brings them to us freshly cooked and prepared every day. The food comes to us from Hostivice near Prague, so it is a stone's throw to the school and kindergarten. The supplier can also cope with dietary lunches. He has also responded very well to our call that we do not want concern bakery products for our lunches, but that we want quality fresh bread and sourdough bread and has arranged a new supplier of bakery products from an artisan bakery. You can see the menu in the EduPage app.



Drinking regime
We think of everything
Important information
We're an action pack!
Clubs and after-school clubs
The school provides a morning playgroup for children from 7:30 am and an afternoon playgroup until 5 pm. Morning playgroup is included in the school fees, afternoon playgroup is charged according to the number of days the child uses it.
We have a large selection of morning and afternoon clubs for your children. This is also so that you do not have to pick up your children and drive them to the clubs yourself.
What to bring to school
What to bring?
- EduPage
- Newsletters
- Consultation
- Telephones / Electronics
- Reading
- Hybrid teaching
All information about school events is always at your fingertips with EduPage. In a simple mobile app or in the browser of your computer, you can always find out what events are planned, what children need to bring to school, view photos from classes and school events, excuse your child from class or sign up for an individual consultation with a teacher.
The main goal of our school system is to provide better information to you, the parents, about what is happening at Global Minded and to naturally draw you into school events. In doing so, we hope to give you a better understanding of our school, our values, and to foster the mutual cooperation that we cannot do without.
In particular, in EduPage you will find:
- Sharing important information with parents – we will send you a variety of information and announcements, such as mid-term and end-of-year verbal evaluations, in the “Bulletin Board” section or via messages.
- Publishing Weekly Reports – all weekly reports (Weekly Reports) can be found in EduPage in the “Bulletin Board” section.
Photos from school days, events and trips – in the “Photos” section we share with you everything interesting that happens in our school. - Excusing children – EduPage has a special and very simple excuse function. You enter the excuse conveniently via the app on your phone (or from the web interface) and the teacher and the office will see it immediately and acknowledge receipt of the excuse.
- Organisation of consultations with the teacher – in Edupage you book a consultation time with the teacher.
- Publication of menus – in the “Menus” section you can see what your children have for lunch and snacks.
We will continue to use MS Teams wherever we interact with children – for online learning or homework assignments.
EduPage is our main tool for communicating with parents. In addition to EduPage, you can communicate with teachers and management during regular online consultations or when handing in children after school.
You can use the system through the web interface or even better in the mobile app, which you can download for free from the App Store or Google Play.
The weekly newsletter is our form of weekly report. We write the report a week in advance and structure it into clear sections, it has four different functions in our submission:
- A planning tool for teachers – and for parents and children, e.g. in case of absences
- Information tool for children and parents – events, tasks, reminders…
- Self-assessment tool for the children in each profile subject
- Self-assessment and self-regulation tool for children to reflect on their own feelings and actions
Individual consultations with your child’s teacher take place once a month on a pre-determined date. Consultations are conducted by Czech class teachers for most of the year. In November and March, the consultation is led by an English class teacher. At each consultation, information from both the Czech and English programs is given. At the 4th and 5th grade consultations, the student is present in addition to the parent and teacher, unless the parent wishes otherwise. The same applies for the second grade.
Invitations to the consultation are sent via EduPage. Consultations are conducted online via MS TEAMS, so you can manage them from the comfort of your home or office.
We do not use mobile phones, tablets, smart watches and other devices that are communication or internet devices, except during blocks and parts of the programme where the teacher uses school technology/electronics or invites children to use their technology/electronics. This provision is not negotiable. It does not mean that we somehow want to suppress children’s education in the direction of digital competence, quite the contrary – we also have many points in our thematic plan this year that develop this area.
If children are going to keep their phones and other electronic devices in their locker in the cloakroom, we ask that they turn them off.
In both the English and the Czech program, our concept is to encourage children to READ – anything, anywhere, but for the YOUNGER ones, WITH YOU AND EVERY DAY AND ALOUDLY (until the end of 3rd grade) and for the OLDER ones, even WITHOUT YOU and quietly, but be sure to talk to your child about his/her reading and ask questions. What should be fun about reading to them is that they get to choose what they read.
Global Minded School has several hundred books available for children to take home to borrow. We monitor the book market and buy new books every year, even books that are voted best in their category on the national and international stage.
The library is managed electronically in the Libib application and can also be accessed by the parents of our pupils, which allows them to view the books together with their children and, if necessary, select them for loan. Here is a link to a publicly available list of our books:
Children will be responsible for the books they borrow with you, so we ask that you care for and return the books together. We cannot lend another book to a child until the previous book has been returned.
Each of our students has their own MS Teams account. It is our primary means of distance learning. We can also do hybrid learning, which is when a child connects online to their classmates who are physically sitting in the classroom. But we can’t pretend that this isn’t redeemed by something – unfortunately it is, and that’s by the quality of instruction for the kids sitting in the classroom. Therefore, we ask you parents to only use hybrid teaching when your children are sick and can’t do otherwise.
We don’t need briefcases, just a nice multi-purpose backpack that will be useful for trips. But still, most first graders have a nice briefcase at home. ☺
✔ Slippers (not crocs – they’re neither sturdy enough nor safe enough!)
✔ Drink bottle that the child takes home to rinse daily
✔ Clothes and shoes for PE (once a week on Fridays)
✔ Pencil case
Compared to a mainstream school, there is not much for a child to prepare and be responsible for, so it is important to guide them that they are responsible for their pencil case, drink bottle and diary and for carrying it to/from school and the condition of its contents.
We do not bring textbooks home every day, but only as needed and agreed upon with the teacher.